Overview of Carbon Price Package
The Federal Government announced details of its Carbon Price package at noon on Sunday 10 July 2011. The proposals are intended to reduce carbon pollution and secure a clean energy future with a Renewable Energy Target of 20% by 2020.
In summary the Governments proposals are as follows:
- A carbon price of $23 for each tonne of pollution beginning 1 July 2012
- Prices are expected to rise by 2.5 % a year in real terms during three-year fixed period until 1 July 2015 then it is proposed Australia will transition to an emission trading scheme
- The price of each tonne will be fixed, like a carbon tax
Walker Wayland participates in the City to Surf, support our chosen Charity SANE Australia
In 2010 Walker Wayland NSW participated in its first Sun Herald City to Surf with a small team of willing participants. We have registered…
Federal Budget 2011-12
On 10 May 2011, the Treasurer Mr Swan handed down his fourth budget, the 2011-12 Federal Budget that is focused on getting back to surplus by 2012-13 and getting more people into jobs while addressing a number of tax system shortcomings and revenue leakages from the government’s coffers.
There were therefore a raft of tax changes announced covering specific areas such as superannuation, income tax, CGT, GST, FBT and charities.
Walker Wayland NSW appoints new partners
Walker Wayland NSW is delighted to announce the appointment of the following new partners effective 1 January 2011: Michael S Walker David M Ross
Best tax-efficient countries revealed in indices
By Matthew Vincent Published: Financial Times, December 3 2010 16:59 Wealthy investors seeking to minimise tax should relocate their businesses to Saudi Arabia, Russia…
Ideas for Success – November 2010
Please find below your copy of the November 2010 issue of “Ideas for Success” – a new initiative we have released featuring thought-provoking articles…
ATO action on Agribusiness Managed Investment Schemes
The ATO has identified taxpayers who may have invested in one of the Agribusiness managed investment schemes (MIS) that have recently collapsed or experienced…
Changes to non-commercial loss rules
If you have a net loss from a business activity you carry on as an individual, either as a sole trader or in partnership,…
BKR International
BKR Worldwide Bulletin {phocadownload view=filelist|id=1} {slider title=”BKR Worldwide Bulletins Archived” open=”false”}{phocadownload view=filelist|id=2|limit=100}{/sliders} BKR Asia Pacific E-Update Newsletters {phocadownload view=filelist|id=3} {slider title=”Asia Pacific E-Update Newsletters…