How you can help:
1. Purchase a gift from their new online gift catalogue
By making a selection from the gift catalogue, this enables The Smith Family to create a personalised Toy and Book Pack for a disadvantaged child. It also saves you the hassle of shopping, storing, delivery and drop off deadlines.
2. Make a tax deductible donation
Not sure which toys and books to buy? A donation to the Toy & Book Appeal will be used to purchase toys and books within the age/gender categories most in need.
3. Purchase a toy and/or book and leave it under the Christmas tree in reception
All items must be new (they cannot be used) and they must be under the Walker Wayland Christmas tree no later than the 10am on 16th December as they will be sent to the Smith Family that morning. Please do not wrap the items. If you are unsure of what to buy here is a list with suggestions: Purchase now >
Thank you